We will be closing photo orders by the end of this week!
Anybody with last minute orders please do send us your request ASAP.
Thank you for your attention :)

ORDER FORM is Now Available!

Download here Gala Nite Photo Order Form
Please download this form and submit to
INSTRUCTIONS are provided inside the form.
To order, choose your photos by looking at the collections below.

NOTES about Your Photos

Your photos will be edited by PROFESSIONALS. Every photo will be added with Gala Nite '07 caption. Brightness adjustments and cropping will be done if needed. Please don't be afraid to ask questions if you have any. Thank you for ordering :)

The Place...

The Place...

The Great Sounds...

The Great Sounds...

The People...

The People...
You don't want to let the memories slip your mind.

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Welcome to Photoholic MD! Place ur orders with our respected photo-therapists!
This site is best viewed in 1024x768 resolution, with Internet Explorer 7.


Sarah Mohd Shukor said...

salam docs.

waa.. mantap. so wat kind of order that we can put here? :p

mr.identity said...

aku nak join photoholic korg leh x?

Posto said...

orders ntuk gala nite nnti akan dibuka.. sabar yea ;)

maddie said...


maddie said...

hey why isn't posto's pic up in the banner as well?

Posto said...

hehe low profile je :)